About us

With our world becoming seemingly more digitalised by the minute, it is increasingly important for us humans to feel and find a closer connection to nature. Wood is one way to feel such proximity. Wood is a natural substance and, at the same time, a highly diverse raw material. Sven Weil continuously brings out the best of wood in his unique, one-off creations. His products are founded on his vast knowledge of the many species of wood as well as his expertise in woodwork. Together, his talents provide an excellent basis for the products handcrafted by stylebyweil.

Anfuehrungszeichen unten
Holzblock Saege Nahaufnahme
Sven Weil Saege
Hobel Nahaufnahme

“How does one actually become a wood designer? That’s a question I’ve been asked many times. I must have been about nine years old when I started working with wood in my grandfather’s workshop. It’s safe to say it was there that I became a wood designer. After a very short time, I couldn’t imagine myself being anything else.”

Bildcollage Werkstatt und Büro
unbehandeltes Holz, Menagen in der Fertigung

“I really can’t think of anything more satisfying than working with wood. The types of wood that I use are just so different in their nature and their behaviour, just like people, really. When I start to work on a piece of wood, I feel like I’m heading off on an exciting journey.”

Sven Weil im Gespräch
Nahaufnahme Hände Holz
Altholz Nahaufnahme
Begutachtung Holz
Menagen holz unbehandelt

“My profession is all about co-operating with my customers. The first thing we do is talk. After all, I have to understand what my client expects from the product to be made. Only when I understand their desires will I be able to make something that exceeds these expectations.”

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Menage Altholz Löffel
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